UK Sound 176 FET Compressor (Open Box)

883,00 729,75+VAT

FET Compressor

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SKU: UKS1C Category: Tag: Brand:


The UK Sound 176 JFET based compressor gives all the features and sound you expect from a FET compressor, plus a few extras. The 176 input and output gain and the time-honored compression ratio options of 4:1, 8:1, 12:1, and 20:1.

Attack and release controls allow users to tailor the compressor’s action to best suit a given source. The FET compressor kicks in to manage peaks, adding control and thickness to the signal. Drums, bass, vocals, and synths are among the many sound sources that will truly benefit from the 176. Open Box. Mint.

In building off of BAE Audio’s commitment to recreate some of the most beloved circuits of all time, UKsound is widely accessible to a much broader audience of recording and touring musicians, as well as project studios.

UK Sound 176 Features

  • 1 channel
  • Class A fully discrete circuit
  • Input and output gain knobs
  • Adjustable Attack and Release knobs
  • 4 Ratio options: 4:1, 8:1, 12:1, 20:1
  • Fixed Threshold
  • Switches:
    • All Buttons In Mode: Adds more distortion and a longer Release time
    • SC Filter: Side Chain high pass filter (100 Hz)
    • Comp / Bypass: Activate or deactivate the compressor mode
  • Transformer balanced input and output (XLR)
  • Analog Vu 
  • You can find the user manual here.